第10题: [单项选择]患者男,75岁,因“突发心悸伴头晕、乏力、出汗2h”来诊。既往有发作性心悸病史。查体:BP90/60mmHg;心脏无扩大,HR190次/min,节律不规则,第一心音强弱不等,各瓣膜听诊区未闻及杂音。ECG://P波消失,QRS波宽大畸形,节律不规则。在该患者的鉴别诊断中,不需要考虑的心律失常为() A. 心房颤动伴差异性传导 B. 不规则的心房扑动伴差异性传导 C. 室上性心动过速伴差异性传导 D. 室性心动过速 E. 预激综合征伴心房颤动 参考答案:C
第30题: [简答题]A. You need to obtain a signature of Bank of China on the draft. B. The account book is to be countersigned by Bank of China. C. The draft should be countersigned by a bank of China. D. The time draft needn’t any other signature because your signature is true. 参考答案: 答案解析:[解析] The time draft is to be countersigned by the Bank of China, Beijing, certifying that your s
第31题: [单项选择]烦躁不宁,打人毁物,不避亲疏,应诊断为() A. 心火亢盛证 B. 肝阳上亢证 C. 肝气郁结证 D. 痰火扰心证 E. 心血瘀阻证 参考答案:D