第31题: [多项选择]钢制管道的安装应符合下列规定,( )除外。 A. 焊接弯管不应小于1.5倍 B. 管道弯制弯管的弯曲半径,热弯不应小于管道外径的4倍 C. 弯管的最大外径与最小外径的差不应大于管道外径的8% D. 软管连接的长度,不宜大于150mm E. 冷凝水排水管坡度,当设计无规定时,宜大于或等于0.006 参考答案:B,D
第32题: [单项选择]Many sports people, especially the Gold winners, all know that they will have to break fresh ______and find a line of business for the later part of their life. A. field B. heaven C. road D. ground 参考答案:D 答案解析:to break fresh ground与汉语“新打鼓,另开张”同意。