参考答案:A, B, C
参考答案:Topic A: Leadership Tips. Words and Expressions A good leader and a bad leader are different in many ways. A good leader is a person of vision and can inspire people to work hard towards the goal while a bad leader cannot bring people together towards the common goal. / A good leader knows the strengths and weaknesses of his subordinates and assigns them suitable jobs. A bad leader, however, does not know how to judge and use people. / A good leader is open-minded and can listen to different opinions. In contrast, a bad leader is opinionated and would regard people with different opinions as challenging his / her authority. Topic B: Personality Tips. Words and Expressions Personality plays a very important role in achieving professional success. / Personal traits such as openness, agreeableness and extraversion can help one in the professional development. / Openness enables you ready to challenge yourself and learn and welcome feedback from others. / Openness not only makes you learn more, but also makes you a pleasant person to work with. / Agreeableness makes one easy to get along with and likely to gain good cooperation. / If you are outgoing and enjoy being with other people, you can do well in many jobs that require you to work actively with others, such as management and team work. / In all, a good personality can give one more opportunities for career development. Topic C: Friendship Tips, Words and Expressions A friend in need is a friend indeed. / A friend is supportive to one in unfavourable situations, e.g., when one is in financial difficulty, or suffers setbacks or failures. / A friend is understanding and considerate towards friends. / Friends have similar interests and hobbies. / Friends are able to share both happy moments and sad moments. / You can tell your secrets to him / her and will not be betrayed. / A friend is a person to be counted on. 第25题: [单项选择] 货币市场基金利润分配的规定有()。 A. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ B. Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ C. Ⅲ、Ⅳ D. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ 参考答案:B 答案解析:
货币市场基金每周五进行利润分配时,将同时分配周六和周日的利润;每周一至周四进行分配时,则仅对当日利润进行分配。投资者于周五申购或转换转入的基金份额不享有周五和周六、周日的利润;投资者于周五 我来回答: 提交