第7题: [单项选择]患者,男性,50岁。入院第2天清晨主诉昨夜难入睡,易惊醒。下午医生加开医嘱:地西泮,5mg,PO,sos。但当晚患者睡眠良好,该医嘱未予执行。次日上午,护士应在医嘱栏内() A. 用红笔写上“失效” B. 用蓝笔写上“未用” C. 用红笔写上“未用” D. 用蓝笔写上“作废” E. 用蓝笔写上“失效” 参考答案:C 答案解析:地西泮,5mg,PO,sos意思为地西泮5mg口服,临时备用医嘱,仅在12小时内有效,必要时使用。该医嘱未予执行,应由护士在该医嘱后用红笔注明“未用”两字。
第11题: [单项选择]The two men who were arrested for breaking into that shop have been ______ $10,000. A. committed B. driven C. charged D. fined 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 本题测试动词辨析。本句的意思是:“两个破门闯入商店的人被逮捕并被罚款10 000美元。”commit:犯罪;drive:驱使;charge:收费;fine:罚款。
第25题: [多项选择]下面属于群体决策技术的有( )。 A. 名义群体技术 B. 逻辑思维决策 C. 辩证思维决策技术 D. 头脑风暴法 参考答案:A,C,D
第26题: [单项选择]The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries(). A. that were once colonies of Britain B. that have a large number of British immigrants C. that have close relations with Britain D. that have fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars 参考答案:A