第7题: [单项选择]患者,男性,73岁,静脉输液发生急性肺水肿,立即停止输液,其后给予的最简便措施是() A. 呼吸机加压给氧 B. 通知医生 C. 四肢轮扎 D. 使病人取端坐位两腿下垂 E. 静脉缓慢推注强心药 参考答案:D 答案解析:急性肺水肿的紧急处理措施就是要减少回心血量,改善缺氧,应立即停止输液,同时取端坐位,以减少静脉回流量。
A. they had reached the peak B. one of the boys was badly injured C. one of the boys was sick D. they had to return to the hut 参考答案:C 答案解析:解析:参看文章第二句“At this point the party had to stop climbing because one of the boys became seriously ill