第19题: [单项选择]患者男,25岁。用铁锤敲击铁钉后左眼视力下降2天就诊。眼科检查:右眼视力1.2,左眼视力0.7,睫状充血(+),鼻侧约10点近角膜缘处见点状角膜混浊,6点瞳孔区晶状体前囊局限破裂,晶状体局限轻微混浊,无明显皮质溢出,玻璃体尚透明,间接眼底镜可见下方5点周边玻璃体内有金黄色反光,眼底未见明显异常。手术方法正确的是() A. 5点角巩膜缘切口,恒磁铁吸出异物 B. 5点角膜缘后4mm切口,异物钳钳取异物 C. 建立常规玻切三通道,玻切取异物 D. 5点角膜缘后4mm切口,恒磁铁吸出异物 E. 12点角巩缘隧道切口,囊外摘除白内障 参考答案:D
第20题: [填空题]A thought it was very interesting B felt nervous about speaking C was not happy with the decisions made D found it confusing G disagreed strongly with someone E thought it was very boring G lost his/her temper with someone H agreed with the final decision 参考答案:G 答案解析:[听力原文] I’m not sure it’s realistic to expect us to achieve those sorts of figures. I mean it ha