第14题: [多项选择]某玩具厂招用了一批十四五周岁的女孩子从事玩具加工工作,并签订了劳动合同,这批女孩子已经在玩具厂工作了半年,后被有关部门发现,以下说法正确的是( ) A. 玩具厂和女孩子们签订的劳动合同无效,所以玩具厂有权要求女孩子们返还已支付的工资 B. 劳动行政部门有权责令玩具厂遣返未满16周岁的女孩子,并处以罚款 C. 已满16周岁的女孩子,玩具厂有权与其重新签订劳动合同 D. 劳动行政部门有权没收玩具厂雇用这批女孩子工作的违法所得 参考答案:B,C 答案解析:[考点] 招用未满16周岁的未成年人的法律责任
[解析] 《劳动法》第18条第1款规定:“下列劳动合同无效:(一)违反法律、行政法规的劳动合同;(二)采取欺诈、威胁等手段订立的劳动合同。”《劳动法》
What’s the average annual increase of foreign student population in the period between 1985 and 1990 in terms of percentage 参考答案:12.5%/12.5percent 答案解析:[解析] 21-30 For those of you who are either already studying in the United States or plan to o
第33题: [单项选择]{{B}}Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} A. The woman never travels by plane. B. Both speakers feel nervous when flying. C. The man thinks traveling by air is quite safe. D. The speakers feel sad about the serious loss of life. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]
W: Have you heard about the plane crash yesterday It caused a hundred and twenty deaths. I