第18题: [单项选择]海上运输货物保险基本险的平安险的保险责任不包括______。 A. 由于运输工具遭受搁浅、触礁、沉没、互撞、与流冰或其他物体碰撞以及失火、爆炸等意外事故造成货物的全部或部分损失 B. 在运输工具已发生搁浅、触礁、沉没、焚毁等意外事故的情况下,货物在此前后又在海上遭受恶劣气候、雷电、海啸、地震、洪水等自然灾害所造成的部分损失 C. 共同海损的牺牲、分摊和救助费用 D. 在装卸或转运时,由于多件整件货物落海造成的部分损失 参考答案:D
第20题: [填空题]According to Mark Orams, it was Blake’s presence on the freezing deck at that defining moment that changed his attitude towards ______. 参考答案:difficult challenges for ever 答案解析:[题眼] According to Mark Orams,it was Blake’s presence on the freezing deck at that defining moment th
第31题: [单项选择]--Have you moved into the new house ( )--Not, yet. The rooms ______ now. A. were painted B. have painted C. are being painted D. are painting 参考答案:C