Your attention, please! An English lecture will be held on Thursday, October BF, from H to A0 a. m. in Lecture Room C0F. Professor Xu from Beijing Foreign Language Studies University will give us a lecture on the differences between British English and American English. All the teachers and students of English Department are expected to be present. Teachers of other departments are warmly welcome. After the lecture we’ll have a discussion on this subject. Be sure to be there in time. You are also expected to take notes while listening because we’ll have a discussion afterwards. That’s all. Thank you.
第24题: [单项选择]以下对计算机的分类中,不正确的是( )。 A. 按使用范围可以分为通用计算机和专用计算机 B. 按性能可以分为超级计算机、大型计算机、小型计算机,工作站和微型计算机 C. 按CPU芯片可分为单片机、单板机、多芯片机和多板机 D. 按字长可以分为8位机、16位机、32位机和64位机 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 按芯片可分为286、386、486、Pentium、PⅡ、PⅢ、Pentium4和Pentium D机。分成单片机、单板机等,是按照结构划分的。
第25题: [单项选择]临床常用药物中毒的解救静脉滴注碳酸氢钠注射液 A. 解救苯妥英中毒 B. 解救异烟肼中毒 C. 解救巴比妥类中毒 D. 解救卡马西平中毒 E. 解救三环类抗抑郁药中毒 参考答案:C
第26题: [单项选择]吡咯比吡啶碱性弱的原因: A. 吡咯能给出质子 B. 吡咯分子比吡啶小 C. 吡咯的性质象环戊二烯 D. 吡咯是芳香性化合物 E. 吡咯氮上的未共用电子时参与杂环上芳π共轭体系 参考答案:E