第28题:[单选题] “十四五”时期国家电网有限公司电网业务发展目标是,立足构建以新能源为主体的 新型电力系统,服务碳达峰、碳中和大局,实现( )。 A. 资产优良、业绩优秀、服务优质 B. 安全强、技术强、带动强、服务优、效能优、业绩优 C. 网架优良、安全可靠、绿色低碳 D. 安全强、技术强、盈利强、服务优、效能优、成本优 参考答案:B
第35题: [简答题]Do the suffixes -able in workable, -ness in workableness change the word class of the words to which they are attached Are they bound morphemes or free morphemes Inflections or derivations 参考答案:The suffixes -able in workable and -ness in workableness have changed the word class of the words to which they are attached.They are bound morphemes,though -able is both a free and bound morpheme.They are derivational morphemes. 答案解析:[解析] 本题考查的是词素和构词法。英语中的词索可分为黏着词素和自由词素。黏着词索又可进一步分为派生曲折两类。派生词素主要通过改变意义或者词性来创造新词。而曲折词素既不改变意义也不改变词性,只是给词加