第29题: [简答题]10月30日(星期六), 你和同学参观了清华大学,请根据下列内容用英语写篇日记。内容应包括:老教授的热情接待,参观了图书馆、实验楼和校园等。可以适当增减细节。 参考答案:
Saturday October C0,B0A0 Fine
Today we visited Qinghua University. Early in the morning we arrived at the gate of Qinghua University, where an old professor gave us a warm welcome. The professor showed us around and explained many things to us enthusiastically. First we went to the library. We saw many, many books and quite a number of students were absorbed in reading. Then we visited the lab building. On the campus, we found here and there students studying under the trees. The old professor gave us a lecture in the afternoon. Time passed quickly. Before We was time for us to say good-bye.
第34题: [单项选择]下列关于法的作用的表述不正确的是: A. 法的作用直接表现为国家权力的运行,无论是制定法、判例法还是习惯法都是与国家权力相联系的 B. 法的规范作用可以分别为指引、评价、教育、预测和强制。法的这五种规范作用是法律所必备的,任何社会的法律都具有 C. 法的社会作用是从法的本质和目的出.发确定法的作用,它是由法的内容和目的确定的 D. 法律是以社会为基础的,它不仅可以反映社会的需要,还可以通过制定一些先进性的规则而超越社会的发展阶段进行创造或改变社会现状,这是法的预测作用的体现 参考答案:D 答案解析:[考点] 法的作用
[解析] 法的作用有规范作用和社会作用,这是法律的普遍属性;同时它又是翅过国家强制力来保证实现的,所以,ABC选项正确。D项错在于忽略了法的作用的局限性,法的作用不可能超出社会的