第25题: [简答题]In a run sparse-dense-mode ;multicast network, when rendezvous point down , will the recipient receive the packets send by the source?why? 参考答案:In sparse-dense-mode, if there is other candidate RPs exist, one of the candidate RP will become RP ,and recipient can also receive multicast packets.If no RP is found for this group, multicast traffic to this group will be forwarded via dense-mode,and recepient still can receive the packets.
第31题: [单项选择]大青龙汤的组成药物是() A. 麻黄、桂枝、芍药、甘草、干姜、细辛、石膏 B. 麻黄、桂枝、甘草、干姜、杏仁、半夏、生姜 C. 麻黄、桂枝、甘草、杏仁、生姜、大枣、石膏 D. 麻黄、细辛、半夏、桂枝、紫菀、甘草、石膏 E. 麻黄、厚朴、半夏、桂枝、细辛、甘草、干姜 参考答案:C