第7题: [多项选择]出现下列哪些情况应考虑葡萄胎恶变() A. 黄素囊肿持续存在 B. 葡萄胎清除后8周,妊娠试验仍为阳性 C. 妊娠试验阴性后又转为阳性,甚或又迅速升高 D. B超显示宫壁局灶性或弥漫性强光点或光团与暗区相间的蜂窝样病灶 E. 妊娠12周以后尿稀释试验1:256 参考答案:A, B, C, D
第8题:[单选题]Many experts remain skeptical about his claims. A.doubtful B.untouched C.certain D.silent 参考答案:A 本句意思:许多专家对他的宣称仍很怀疑。skeptical怀疑的。doubtful怀疑的;Un- touched未触动过的,未受影响的;certain某个,肯定的;silent沉默的。
第31题: [单项选择]What should be done when a relative decides to join A. Try not to be partial. B. Help him to gain popularity among employees. C. Never promote him to a higher position. D. Encourage him to find proof for his knowledge. 参考答案:A