第3题: [单项选择]初产妇,24岁,38周妊娠临产,LOA,规律宫缩12小时,宫口开大4cm,S-1,未破膜,胎心位于左下腹,双顶径9.3cm,股骨长7.1cm,胎心132次/分,骨盆外测量各径线正常。若阴道检查时发现后囟位于8点处,前囟位于2点处,改变体位,观察2小时产程无进展,有产瘤,先露仍在-1,产妇腹前壁中线两侧触及胎儿肢体,可采取的措施是() A. 手转胎头 B. 立即剖宫产 C. 产妇取右侧卧位 D. 上推宫颈前唇 E. 地西泮静脉推注 F. 宫颈两侧注入0.5%利多卡因 参考答案:B
第23题: [单项选择]According to the talk show hostess, creative industries in the UK often attract______. A. young people B. old people C. postgraduates D. graduates 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文] 1-5 W: Hello and welcome to our talk show. In the next few minutes we’re going to be seein