(a) explain the term registration of incorporation; (2 marks) 参考答案:
In accordance with Article F of the Company Law, registration of incorporation refers to an action where promoters apply, for the purpose of setting up a company, to the company registration authority and the latter registers the incorporation to issue the business licence if the incorporation of the company is in conformity with the conditions provided by the law.
第3题: [单项选择]阿米巴痢疾的大便性状为 A. 柏油样便 B. 粘液性脓性鲜血便 C. 暗红色果酱样脓血便 D. 洗肉水样血便 E. 米泔水样便 参考答案:C
第31题: [单项选择]女性,27岁,尿急、尿频、尿痛,伴发热38.3℃,腰痛,肋脊角叩痛。化验:尿蛋白+,尿沉渣镜检白细胞20~30/HP,可见白细胞管型。应如何处理() A. 环丙沙星治疗12~18周 B. 阿莫西林0.25g,每8小时1次,共服7天 C. 氧氟沙星0.2g,每12小时1次,静脉滴注14天 D. 氧氟沙星0.2g每日2次,口服3天疗程 E. 氧氟沙星0.2g每日2次,口服14天疗程 参考答案:E
第32题: [多项选择]静态投资回收期可以从( )起算。 A. 项目开始产生净收益的年份 B. 项目投入建设年份 C. 项目试生产年份 D. 项目投产年份 E. 项目试投产年份 参考答案:B,D