疾病的诊断可能是以下名称,除了( ) A. 游走性舌炎 B. 地图样口炎 C. 地图舌 D. 剥脱性舌炎 E. 萎缩性舌炎 参考答案:E
第12题: [单项选择]“求田问舍,怕应羞见,刘郎才气”中刘郎指的是 A. 刘彻 B. 刘备 C. 刘邦 D. 刘裕 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解题思路与技巧] “求田问舍,怕应羞见,刘郎才气”中的刘郎指的是刘备。求田问舍:买田置屋。三国时许汜对刘备说,他过下邳时见陈元龙,陈元龙不理睬他,自上大床去睡,让他睡下床,未免太傲慢不敬。刘备批评许
第23题: [填空题]The people living in the United States will not be faced with water shortages. 参考答案:N 答案解析:该句句意为:美国人将不会面临缺水问题。该题解题依据为文章第七段第二句话But Americans could face serious water shortages,too,especially i
第24题:[单选题] By the time he leaves university, he _____ much work experience so long as he takes a part-time job. A. will have gained B. has gained C. may have gained D. will gain 参考答案:A 题目中出现by the time+主语+do/does,后面的句子要用将来完成时。故选A。