A. To interest students in a career in counseling. B. To recruit counselors to work in the placement office. C. To inform students of a university program. D. To convince local merchants to hire college students. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]17-20 As a result of rising university costs, many students are finding it necessary to
第31题: [单项选择]下述不属于高端客户核保服务内容的是()。 A. 契约流程优先、核保优先 B. 遇有疑难案例,采用多位资深核保员会商方式出具核保结论 C. 需作拒保、延期结论的投保件,先与机构主任核保人沟通,通过提前与客户解释原因的方式明确原因,减少反弹,提高满意度 D. 高端客户可享受免体检免生调 参考答案:D