第11题: [单项选择]The brain stem is located (Paragraph 2) ______. A. in the hypothalamus B. between the brain and the spinal cord C. in the transmitter nerve cells D. between the hypothalamus and the brain 参考答案:B 答案解析:第二段中指出...the brain stem,which joins the brain to the top of the spinal cord...即脑干连接brain与 spinal cor
第37题: [单项选择]长松萝的药材特征是() A. 呈丝状,二叉状分枝,表面有明显的环状裂纹 B. 呈丝状,主轴单一,两侧有细短的侧枝密生,表面无环状裂纹 C. 茎方柱形,分枝对生,单叶对生,宽披针形,边缘有锯齿 D. 茎扁圆柱形,表面棕褐色,密被覆瓦状排列的肉质鳞片 E. 茎圆柱形,上部多分枝,叶互生,三回羽状深裂,小裂片矩圆形 参考答案:B