第3题: [单项选择]56岁妇女,肌瘤病史15年,绝经5年。近半年阴道不规则流血水样物,伴下腹疼痛和便秘。检查:阴道通畅,黏膜润泽。宫颈增粗,质硬,表面光滑。宫口扩张,可见暗红色息肉样赘生物,质脆,触血。子宫增大如孕4个月大小,质稍软,后壁明显突向直肠,活动度尚可。双侧附件区无异常发现,双侧主韧带、骶韧带无明显增厚。直肠黏膜光滑,检查时指套无血染。X线胸片未见异常。治疗方案恰当的是() A. 全子宫及双侧附件切除术 B. 子宫根治术及双侧盆腔淋巴结清扫术,术后酌情加用放疗或化疗 C. 放疗 D. 化疗 E. 免疫治疗 F. 化疗+放疗 参考答案:B
第8题: [多项选择]1.当今世界上,有越来越多的人对体育运动感兴趣; 2.但有些人仍然不了解运动的重要性; 3.体育运动有很高的价值。 参考答案:写作指导 B00H年申奥成功,体育运动必将成为社会讨论的热门话题,六级考试写作也可能涉及到这方面的话题,应该引起大家的重视。本题是一篇号召大家参加体育运动的论说文。根据给出的写作提纲,全文可分为三段来写,而每条提纲也可作为每段的主题句。第一段的主题可为:In the world today,more and more people are interested in sports and games.which have become part of people’s daily life.围绕这个主题句,可具体列举出一些人们喜爱从事的体育活动,如:swing,running,basketball,football,table tennis and badminton。第二段的主题句可为:But there are still some people who don’t know the importance 0f sports and games.此段可用举例法来说明为什么有些人仍然不了解运动的重要性;第三段为总结段,画龙点睛地提出体育运动的重要性。 Writing Sample Let’s Go in for Sports In the world today.More and more people are interested in sports and games.Which have become part of people’s daily life.In our country,swing, running,basketball,football,table tennis and bad, Minton are the favorite sports and games.Early every morning you can see people doing all kinds of exercises in parks and open grounds.Friendly matches and sports meets are often held in schools and factories. But there are still some people who don’t know the importance of sports and games.They treat them only as amusements just like films or radio programmers.We all know that sports and games build our bodies and keep us in good health.They are especially helpful to those who work with their brains. So sports and games can also train a person’s character.On the sports field,a child learns to fit fair and hard,to win without pride and lose with grace. Sports and games are like a bridge to true friendship. Later,when he has grown up,he will naturally work for the good of his country instead of for his own benefit. As we have said above.sports and games can be of great value.They not only make people live happily but also help people to learn virtues and do their work better.A sound mind is in a sound body. Let’s go in for sports and games.
第14题: [单项选择]根据《京都议定书》的规定,到2010年,所有发达国家排放的二氧化碳等6种气体的数量,要比1990年减少5.2%。俄罗斯既是世界能源生产大国,也是能源消费大国,但是,目前俄罗斯无排减义务,这最可能的原因是( )。 A. 俄罗斯工业衰退,能源消费量减小,已退出发达国家行列 B. 俄罗斯未加入《京都议定书》缔约国 C. 俄罗斯的国土面积广大 D. 俄罗斯有广袤的森林区,温室气体的净排放量较小 参考答案:D
第30题: [单项选择]What does the woman ask the man to do 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 在英语中hold on用在电话交谈中,是要求他人等一下,不挂断。故本题答案为C。
M: May I speak to Tom, please
W: Hold on fo