第1题: [单项选择]In addition to advising the school newspaper staff, Mr. Mathison also regularly ______ the junior class regarding community service opportunities. A. rallied against B. counseled C. argued with D. suppressed E. emulated 参考答案:B 答案解析:To answer this question, you must understand the context of the sentence. The introductory phrase "i
第27题: [多项选择]关于“预付账款”账户,下列说法正确的有()。 A. “预付账款”属于资产性质的账户 B. "预付货款"不多的企业,可以不单独设置“预付账款”账户,将预付的货款记入“应付账款”账户的借方 C. “预付账款”账户贷方余额反映的是应付供应单位的款项 D. “预付账款”账户只核算企业因销售业务产生的往来款项 参考答案:A,B,C 答案解析:本题考核“预付账款”。选项D,“预付账款”核算的是企业按照购货合同规定预付给供应单位的款项,而不是销售业务产生的往来款项。