第15题: [单项选择]Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard A. He got an electric shock. B. The chocolate in his pocket melted. C. The power tube exploded suddenly. D. He was hurt by the radiation. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文] Q: What happened to Percy Spencer when he stood next to a power tube [答案详解] 在介绍微波炉
第16题: [多项选择]办理行政案件中,下列关于询问查证时限的说法正确的有()。 A. 李某醉酒后违反治安管理,被公安机关约束8小时后至酒醒,已经过了8小时的询问时间,公安机关无权再继续询问 B. 王某等四人共同违反治安管理被公安机关当场发现,四人拒不供述,公安机关以案情复杂为由,可以将询问时间延长到32小时 C. 对违反治安管理行为人,公安机关传唤后应当及时询问查证,询问查证的时间不得超过8小时 D. 情况复杂,依法可能适用行政拘留处罚的,询问查证的时间不得超过24小时 参考答案:C, D
第22题: [单项选择]Conversation 2 A. She believes him. B. She doesn’t quite believe him. C. She is familiar with the story. D. She thinks the man’s story is interesting. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文] What does the woman think of the man’s story of the football 由“I don’t know.It could ha