第6题: [填空题]S1S8 参考答案:The spaceship and the television satellite are only two of the contemporary inventions that apply Newton’s principies of gravity. 答案解析:Main Points:Newton’s laws of gravity was applied to two modern inventions of the spaceship and the t
第25题: [单项选择]洋地黄毒苷属于 A. 三萜皂苷 B. 甾体皂苷 C. C2l甾体苷 D. 甲型强心苷 E. 乙型强心苷 参考答案:D
第26题: [单项选择]龙胆草 A. 既能清热凉血、养阴护营,又能滋阴降火、润燥滑肠,还善解毒散结而疗肿毒结核 B. 既清热泻火燥湿,又疏肝和胃制酸,治疗肝火犯胃、湿热中阻之呕吐泛酸 C. 既善退虚热、凉血热,又兼透散。既治阴虚发热、小儿疳热;又治营血分有热及阴分伏热等证 D. 治疗热病高热烦躁神昏,内热心烦不寐,胃火牙痛,口舌生疮 E. 治疗肝火上炎之头痛目赤、耳聋胁痛等 参考答案:E