第27题: [多项选择]说明:成都外国语学院将于2007年12月15日召开每年一度的全国英语学术研讨会。今年的主题是语言学在当代的发展。外国语学院拟邀请伦敦大学著名语言学家Professor Wells来华参加研讨会,并做报告。请以成都外国语学院的名义写一封邀请信。 Words for reference: 学术研讨会:symposium 语言学:linguistics 伦敦大学学院:University College of London 参考答案:Date: Dear Professor Wells, Chengdu Foreign Language College is going to hold an annual English symposium on Dee. AEth,B00G. We would like to extend to you an invitation to be our guest speaker at this yearly discussion. You are a famous expert of linguistics in University College of London. The theme of this year’s discussion is contemporary development of linguistics. We are very interested in your theory of the latest development in this field. Your speech will be extremely appealing to us. We sincerely hope you can attend. Look forward to your reply. Sincerely yours, Chengdu Foreign Language College
第30题: [多项选择]下列闲置土地的处置方式,正确的有( )。 A. 延长开发建设时间,但最长不得超过2年 B. 政府为土地使用者置换其他等价闲置土地 C. 改变土地用途,办理有关手续后继续开发 D. 政府收回土地,并与土地使用者签订收回土地协议书 E. 延长开发建设时间,但最长不得超过1年 参考答案:B,C,D,E