第8题: [单项选择]Questions 22~25 are based on the following dialogue about driving.What did the woman do well in the test A. Changing lanes. B. Starting on a hill. C. Parking. D. Keeping a proper distance. 参考答案:C
第17题: [多项选择]In relation to the Securities Law of China:(b) state the objective of the legislation to set up the system of sponsorship in underwriting securities; (2 marks) 参考答案:The objective of the legislation to set up the system of sponsorship is to prevent the market risks from occurrence, regulate the operation of the listed companies and protect the rights and interests of investors through the joint legal liability of the issuer and sponsor.
第29题: [单项选择]What does Edward accept A. 15% salary increase and 14% bonus increase B. 15% salary increase and 5% bonus increase C. 17% salary increase and 14% bonus increase 参考答案:C
第30题: [单项选择]相对于实业资本运营,金融资本运营具有( )特点。 A. 盈利性、杠杆效应、稳定性、安全性 B. 杠杆效应、主观性、流动性、波动性 C. 安全性、流动性,杠杆效应、波动性 D. 盈利性、波动性、杠杆效应、主观性 参考答案:B 答案解析:【解析】本题考查金融资本运营的特点。
第31题: [多项选择]某公务员乙某在一次人事变动中,没有被提升为处长,对本单位的局长和书记一直怀恨在心。一次,利用喝酒的机会将在公安局工作的朋友的枪偷走,赶到局长办公室对局长连射两枪,致使局长当场死亡。后又赶到书记办公室,被闻讯赶来的同事拦住,乙某又对两位同事连开数枪,又造成两同事死亡,则乙某的行为应按( )处理。 A. 继续犯 B. 连续犯 C. 牵连犯 D. 数罪并罚 参考答案:B,C 答案解析:[解析] 牵连犯是指以实施某一犯罪为目的,但其方法行为或结果行为又触犯其他罪名的情况。连续犯是指行为人出于同一个犯罪目的,连续地实施数个独立的犯罪行为。乙某偷枪的行为已构成盗窃枪支、弹药罪,但这一行为