One possible version:How to Develop Primary School Students Reading Ability The core objective of English curriculum at the elementary education stage is to cultivate the integrated ability to utilize English language. And to develop the reading ability is one of the effective methods to raise the integrated ability. So our teachers in elementary schools should raise the students ability of reading English. But how to develop primary school students reading ability?I think, first we should develop the primary school students interests of reading,because interest is the best teacher.Then we should find the right method to develop their reading ability,we can let the students read some intersting stories and fairy tales,and we can connect reading with games and so on. In a word,reading is very importment for primary school students,we shouldnt neglect this in our teaching work.
第16题: [单项选择]患儿,4岁。因支气管肺炎入院治疗,现出现呕吐、严重腹胀、肠鸣音减弱。该患儿最可能的情况是() A. 酸碱平衡紊乱 B. 低钾血症 C. 低钙血症 D. 中毒性肠麻痹 E. 胃肠炎 参考答案:D 答案解析:肺炎消化系统表现为食欲减退、呕吐或腹泻。发生中毒性肠麻痹时出现明显的腹胀,呼吸困难加重,肠鸣音消失;发生消化道出血时出现呕吐咖啡样物,大便潜血试验阳性或柏油样便。【该题针对“专业知识-小儿肺炎临床表现
第24题: [单项选择]男性,30岁。间断性上腹痛10余天,晨起突然呕血400ml,并排柏油便4次,自觉头晕、心悸。入院测血压13/8kPa(98/60mmHg),心率108次/分,肝、脾未触及,肠鸣音亢进,10年前因黄疸性肝炎住院治疗后痊愈。半年前体检示乙肝抗原、抗体检查阴性,丙肝抗体检查阴性,近3年间歇出现上腹痛,多于春秋季发作。该患者最可能的诊断是() A. 肝硬化食管静脉曲张破裂出血 B. 消化性溃疡出血 C. 急性胃黏膜病变 D. 食管贲门黏膜撕裂症 E. 胃癌出血 参考答案:B