第8题: [单项选择]The exhaust ports of a diesel engine using the cross-flow scavenging method are opened and closed by the () A. reciprocating motion of exhaust valves B. rotary motion of the camshaft C. reciprocating motion of the piston D. developed differential 参考答案:C
第34题: [单项选择]某小学最近流行猩红热,哪项不是诊断本病的主要依据 A. 发热、咽痛、扁桃体红肿且可有脓性渗出物 B. 口腔、黏膜充血,有时可见舌质红、舌乳头红,呈杨梅状 C. 常可发生变态反应性并发症 D. 全身皮肤出现弥漫性鲜红色高出皮面的粟粒疹 E. 出疹时可见到口周苍白圈 参考答案:C 答案解析:猩红热少数病人于起病2~3周,在心、肾等处的胶原纤维发生变性和坏死。