第9题: [单项选择]供热管网按照竖向布置原则布置时,一般地沟管线敷设深度最好浅一些,为了避免地沟盖受汽车等动荷载的直接压力,地沟的埋深自地面到沟盖顶面不少于( )。 A. 0.1~0.5m B. 0.5~1.0m C. 0.5~1.5m D. 1.0~2.0m 参考答案:B 答案解析:本题的考点是供热管网的竖向布置原则。一般地沟管线敷设深度最好浅一些,以减少土方工程量。为了避免地沟盖受汽车等动荷重的直接压力,地沟的埋深自地面到沟盖顶面不少于0.5~1.0m,特殊情况下,如地下水位高
第32题: [单项选择]What does the woman mean A. He thought it was too noisy. B. He liked it because it is a new one. C. He didn’t like it because of its bad tires. D. He was quite satisfied with it. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[听力原文] M: How did your sister like her new car W: She thought it was too noisy, and something