第6题: [单项选择]关于液体制剂的特点叙述错误的是( )。 A. 服用方便,特别适用于儿童与老年患者 B. 固体制剂制成液体制剂后,生物利用度降低 C. 液体制剂携带、运输、储存不方便 D. 若使用非水溶剂具有一定药理作用,成本高 E. 给药途径广泛,可内服,也可外用 参考答案:B 答案解析:[知识点] 液体药剂概述
第29题: [单项选择]初产妇,24岁,妊娠40周,待产。产妇规律宫缩8h,宫口开大3指,胎心136/min,宫缩3~4次/min,每次持续50s。产妇精神紧张,不断叫嚷,“活不成了”。对该产妇首先的采取的护理措施是 A. 适当休息 B. 做好心理调适 C. 鼓励进食 D. 定时排尿 E. 按时做肛检 参考答案:B 答案解析:产妇及胎儿各方面正常,处于第一产程,现在该产妇最主要的问题是精神紧张,不能很好的配合,故应及时做好产妇的心理调适。
第34题: [简答题]写一篇记述在海滨度周末的日记,内容应包括以下几点: 1.初夏,风和日丽; 2.有很多游人和小船,我们捡贝壳(shell),日光浴(sunbathe),玩得很愉快。 注意:1)行文要流畅; 2)要符合日记的格式; 3)词数为100左右。 参考答案:
June B0, B00B, Saturday Fine
Yesterday some of my classmates and I spent our weekend at the seaside.
it was sunny and a little hot, but the water was too cool to swim in. The sea was blue and calm. It shone merrily under the bright sun. There were boats floating here and there. People in them laughed and sang happily.
We took off our shoes and went into the cool water. We walked along the beach in the water. Some girls looked for shells on the shore. Then we lay down and bathed in the sun or played games until it was time to go home.
We all enjoyed a pleasant time at the seaside.