第16题: [简答题]Explain Route Aggregation inQ94;BGP. 参考答案:
There are two ways to create an aggregate address under BGP. The first is to create a static entry in the routing table (using static route) for the aggregate address and then advertise it with the “network” command. The second way is to use the “aggregate-address” command.
While using aggregate-address command, there is also two way. Using aggregate-address command without as-set keyword, BGP path information such as as-path and origin may get lost. If as-set keyword is used, path information such as as-path and origin can be inherited by the aggregate route.
第31题: [简答题]设有商品表(商品号,商品名,单价)、销售表(商品号,销售时间,销售数量,销售单价)和毛利表(商品号,总毛利)。设单价、销售数量、销售单价和总毛利为整型,毛利表中已有全部商品的商品号记录且总毛利的初始值均为0。现有业务要求:每当在销售表中插入一行数据时,系统自动计算该商品的总毛利,毛利=销售数量×(销售单价-单价)。请定义满足该要求的后触发型触发器。 参考答案:CREATE TRIGGER Insert_sale ON毛利表FOR UPDATE FOR EACHROW AS BECIN INSERT INTO毛利表VALUES(new.商品号,new.销售数量*(new.销售单价-(SELECT单价FROM商品表WHERE商品号=new.商品号)) END
第37题: [单项选择]关于支票与汇票的区别,下列表述错误的是 A. 支票的付款仅限于金融业者,汇票的付款人则不限于金融业者 B. 支票均为见票即付型,汇票则可以有远期型 C. 支票仅作为支付工具使用,汇票则还可以有信贷工具的作用 D. 支票必须载明受款人,汇票上是否载明受款人并不影响汇票的效力 参考答案:D