The water of the Qinhuai River looked dark green but not greasy. Could it be that it was mingled with the gold and rouge of the Six Dynasties When we went aboard it was just dusk, and the ripples looked so quiet and mild that we felt the vast space between heaven and earth and imagined the luxurious and dissipated life of those days. When the lanterns were lit, the sky looked darker, and the dim water seemed to be a dream, the occasionally glittering ripples the eyes of the dream. We sat on the foredeck; because of the visionary effect of the highly arched awning, it seemed our boat was advancing with its prow turned upwards and we were riding the wind and soaring up to the skies. The boats lying leisurely at anchor here and there and the figures shifting about looked as if they were far away in a world below, and the blurred view also seemed like watching flowers through fog.