第11题: [单项选择]症见腹部肿块、肌肤甲错、面色黯黑、潮热羸瘦、经闭不行,治疗宜选用的成药是() A. 花红颗粒 B. 妇炎平胶囊 C. 妇科千金片 D. 妇科十味片 E. 大黄(庶虫)虫丸 参考答案:E 答案解析:大黄(庶虫)虫丸【主治】瘀血内停所致的癥瘕、闭经,症见腹部肿块、肌肤甲错、面色黯黑、潮热羸瘦、经闭不行。
A. slow down recovery B. lead to suicide in some cases C. be too hard for them to accept D. help deal with illness 参考答案:D 答案解析:根据第四段第二句中的“an overwhelming majority of patients do want to be told the truth,even about grave illnes