[多项选择]火力发电厂为了保证Ⅰ类电动机的自启动,应对成组电动机自启动时的厂用母线电压进行校验,并不低于以下规定,自启动要求的最低母线电压为( )。 A. 高压厂用母线75%~80%; B. 高压厂用母线65%~70%; C. 低压厂用母线,单独自启动60%; D. 低压厂用母线,低压母线与高压母线串接自启动55%。
第4题: [单项选择]Several weeks went by before Mary noticed that her clothes seemed loose, and she realized that she ________. A. could have lost weight B. would have lost weight C. must have lost weight D. should have lost weight 参考答案:
第5题: [单项选择]腹部移动性浊音阳性,提示游离腹水的量是() A. 500mL以上 B. 800mL以上 C. 1000mL以上 D. 1500mL以上 E. 2000mL以上 参考答案:C