第16题: [单项选择]肝造血达高峰的时间是() A. 胚胎第8周 B. 胚胎第3个月 C. 胚胎第4~5个月 D. 生后4~5天 E. 生后2~5周 参考答案:C 答案解析:肝从胚胎6~8周开始造血,4~5个月达高峰,生后4~5天停止。骨髓从胚胎4~5个月才开始造血,生后4~5天成为唯一的造血场所。
第34题: [填空题]A. can be found in Paris B. the major events of the nation C. of the country’s industries D. a lot of cinemas and theatres E. has been growing steadily F. has been decreasing rapidly
Paris has in history been the center of______. 参考答案:B 答案解析:这一段的最后一句讲的就是这个意恩。