第4题: [单项选择]All deliveries - please report to Reception immediately upon arrival for authority to unload. Drivers should A. speak to Reception after delivering goods. B. unload vehicles at Reception. C. call in at Reception before unloadin 参考答案:C
第28题: [单项选择]His major task is to integrate the work of various bureaus under the ministry. A. organize B. correspond C. coordinate D. respond 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 本题中,integrate的意思是“使完整,使成一体”。四个选项中,coordinate的意思是“使协调,调整”,如:Our efforts need to be further coord
第30题: [单项选择]下列关于90°射频脉冲的描述不正确的是() A. 90°射频脉冲可使主磁场中人体组织的宏观纵向磁化矢量偏转90° B. 90°射频脉冲激发后所产生的宏观横向磁化矢量的大小只与脉冲能量有关 C. 90°射频脉冲可产生最大的宏观横向磁化矢量 D. 90°射频脉冲可使人体内的纵向磁化分矢量相互抵消 E. 90°射频脉冲激发后产生的旋转宏观横向磁化矢量越大,MR信号就越强 参考答案:B