第28题: [单项选择]VCD使用的压缩编码的标准是______。 A. MPEG-1 B. MPEG-2 C. MPEG-4 D. MPEG-7 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] 现在在DVD中通常采用MPEG-2压缩标准,VCD普遍采用MPEG-1标准; MPEG-1是针对传输速率为1Mbit/s到1.5Mbit/s的普通电视质量的视频信号的压缩。
A. He was not young. B. He was not ambitious. C. He was not happy with his job. D. He was not willing to be a janitor. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文] Jimmy's uncle would not remain a janitor if he had been ambitious when he was young.