第23题: [单项选择]What forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the United States A. The Rio Grande River. B. The southern Rocky Mountains. C. The Colorado River. D. The Gulf of California. 参考答案:A 答案解析:the Rio Grande Rivet(里奥格兰德河)为北美洲第五长河,美国与墨西哥的界河。格兰德河源出落基山,初向东,继向南流,最后沿美国、墨西哥国界作东南流向,注入墨西哥湾。
第29题:[单选题]什么时候DECEL灯在自动刹车时亮?( )when dose the DECEL lights comes on at the automatic brake ? A.自动刹车按钮按下Automatic brake button press in B.自动刹车按钮释放Automatic brake button release C.减速值到正确值时Deceleration values to the correct value 参考答案:C