第27题: [简答题]Auto RP mapping agent 是什么, 是起什么作用? 参考答案:
Mapping agent is the router that make decision which router in the multicast domain is RP. Mapping agent receives the RP announcement messages from candidate RPs and arbitrates conflicts. The RP mapping agent then sends the consistent group-to-RP mappings using discovery messages to all other routers by dense mode flooding.
The multicast address is used by Candidate-RP to send RP-announce message as the destination IP address, and the mapping agent is listening for the address.
第28题: [单项选择]下列是洋地黄中毒的表现,除了()。 A. 恶心 B. 视力模糊 C. 黄视或绿视 D. 多源性室早 E. 心电图ST段呈鱼勾样压低 参考答案:E