第23题: [单项选择]洗钱的过程中,被形象地描述为“甩干”阶段的为( )。 A. 转移阶段 B. 培植阶段 C. 融合阶段 D. 处置阶段 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 洗钱的过程通常被分为三个阶段,即处置阶段、培植阶段、融合阶段。其中,融合阶段被形象地描述为“甩干”,即使非法变为合法,为犯罪得来的财富提供表面的合法掩盖,在犯罪收益披上了合法外衣后,犯罪收益
第30题: [单项选择]When did the woman go to the seaside for the last time A. Because she will have no spare time. B. Because she has not earned enough money. C. Because her father will have no spare time. 参考答案:C