参考答案:Topic A: Why are fast food chains so successful throughout the world Suggested Answers Throughout the world, we see fast food restaurants such as McDonald’s, KFC flourishing. There are many reasons for their success. Among them, the major ones include: Firstly, successful marketing strategies: Advertisements and commercials on TV and other media make it appear cool and trendy to eat at their establishments to young people. They use toys and gifts tied with their meal to attract kids and their parents. Secondly, in a fast-paced modern society, fast food restaurants cater to people’ need for convenience and efficiency. Fast food restaurants also offer reliable and standardized food regardless of a restaurant’s location and size. The brands and symbols convey to customers a sense of credibility and reliability. Topic B: How do you keep fit Suggested Answers A healthy body is important to every one. There are several ways to keep fit and stay healthy. Having a balanced diet is essential to good health. A balanced diet means we shouId take in different kinds of nutrients, not only fat and protein, but also carbohydrates and fibers-vegetables and fruits. Regular exercise also holds the key to well-being. You can walk to your office instead of taking the bus or driving a car. You can also walk upstairs instead of taking the elevator. In addition, a positive attitude towards life contributes greatly to good health. If you look at things on the bright side and have an optimistic view towards life, you will feel happy and contented. Then you can eat well and sleep well and your body will be in excellent condition. Topic C: Do you agree with the proverb "You are what you eat" Why Suggested Answers I totally agree with the saying "You are what you eat". This saying means what you eat contribute greatly to improving or destroying your health. It is true that the food you eat has a bearing on your state of mind and health. For instance, if you take in too much animal fat, you are likely to have hypertension and heart disease. Conversely, if you have a balanced diet and take in enough nutrition and fibers, you are less likely to have heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. If you can stay in good shape, you are better able to withstand pressure and stress, which can contribute to a healthy mind. 第24题:[单选题]葛某携款外出做生意。途中,葛某所搭乘的私人货船遇暴风雨翻船沉没。其利害关系人向人民法院申请宣告葛某死亡的,依法应在()。 A.危难发生之日起满两年 B.危难发生次日起满两年 C.危难发生之日起满四年 D.危难发生次日起满四年 参考答案:A 第25题:[判断题]疏散压缩气体钢瓶,必须充分冷却,并在水枪掩护下进行。() A.正确 B.错误 参考答案:A 第26题:[多选题]后期扶持基金按( )原则进行筹集。 A.全国统筹,分省(区、市)计征 B.企业、社会、中央与地方合理负担 C.工业反哺农业,城市支持农村 D.东部地区支持中西部地区 参考答案:ABCD :财综〔2006〕29号财政部关于印发《大中型水库移民后期扶持基金征收使用管理暂行办法》的通知第四条:“后期扶持基金按以下原则进行筹集:(一)全国统筹,分省(区、市)计征;(二)企业、社会、中央与地方合理负担;(三)工业反哺农业,城市支持农村;(四)东部地区支持中西部地区。”) 第27题:[判断题]BA004画零件图只标注零件的主要尺寸即可。 A.正确 B.错误 参考答案:B 画零件草图除必须标准标注零件尺寸,还必须标注相应标准中的规定的代号 第28题:[单选题]在技术站和邻接区段两端相邻规定范围内的几个站之间开行,并在各站进行摘挂车作业的列车是( )。 A.枢纽小运转列车 B.摘挂列车 C.区段小运转列车 D.市郊列车 参考答案:C 第29题:[简答题]XX单位箱变(金属箱体)在进行集中器数据召测时,有时能召测到完整数据,有时会召测到一部分数据,另一部分用户提示“终端无回码”,无法抄到数据,运维人员到现场按要求打开箱变门进行检查:参数设置正确、内置天线已安装、信号基本符合要求,电话联系主站人员进行数据召测,能召测到完整数据,于是按要求关闭箱变门,此工作结束。但是刚离开该小区就接到主站人员电话:问题依旧。经过这样多次反复运维,一直没有解决问题。【1】用电信息采集系统数据召测时提示“终端无回码”表示什么?【2】本案例为何运维人员一离开现场故障现象就复现?重点应检查哪些内容?【3】根据本案例背景你准备如何解决这个问题? 参考答案:【1】用电信息采集系统数据召测时提示“终端无回码”说明此时主站与终端通信信号微弱; 【2】本案例中运维人员在现场时箱变门是打开状态,此时信号基本满足,离开后箱变门是关闭状态,金属箱体屏蔽了GPRS信号,所以问题就会复现; 【3】重点应检查SIM卡运行状况、天线; 【4】根据背景情况准备按以下步骤进行处理:更换大增益天线按要求工艺施工,并使天线放置金属箱体外部; 【5】按要求关闭箱变门并联系主站进行测试。 第30题:[单选题]人工心脏起搏术后患者的卧位应为 A.平卧位 B.左侧卧位 C.右侧卧位 D.头低脚高位 E.头高脚低位 参考答案:A 第31题:[单选题]溢流关井时,井底压力约等于()。 A.静液压力 B.环空静液压力+套压 C.静液压力-抽汲压力 D.静液压力+激动压力 参考答案:B 第32题:[判断题]改按天气恶劣难以辨认信号的办法行车,当接近地面信号机时,司机应确认地面信号,遇地面信号与机车信号显示不一致时,应立即采取停车措施。 A.正确 B.错误 参考答案:B 第33题: [判断题]商业银行规模越大,抵抗风险的能力越强,商业银行可能面临的风险因素也就越少。 参考答案:错 答案解析:
一方面,商业银行规模越大,抵抗风险的能力确实越强:商业银行资本金可以吸收商业银行业务所造成的损失;另一方面,商业银行规模越大,也意味着商业银行可能面临的风险因素也越多。因此以上表述错误。< 我来回答: 提交