第3题: [多项选择]第二审人民法院审理该案时,应当如何量刑 A. 对舒某可以判处比原判刑罚更重的刑罚 B. 对刘某可以判处比原判刑罚更重的刑罚 C. 对舒某不得判处比原判刑罚更重的刑罚 D. 对刘某不得判处比原判刑罚更重的刑罚 参考答案:A,D 答案解析:【测试点】 上诉不加刑原则及其例外。
【解析】 《刑事诉讼法》第190条规定,第二审人民法院审判被告人或者他的法定代理人、辩护人、近亲属上诉的案件,不得加重被告人的刑罚。人民检察院提出抗诉或者自诉人
第4题:[单选题]Wolfgang Kundt,who has developed an alternative theory A.has remained a puzzle B.lacks sufficient evidence C.is a university professor D.was generated by the explosion E.will kill many animals F.are attacked by aliens 参考答案:C
第18题: [单项选择]Initially, many young designers have to ______. A. hold back their creativity B. work for department stores C. change their personal taste in fashion D. inform to a certain image 参考答案:C 答案解析:本文的最后一段提供了该题的正确选项的依据,最后一段中表达的意思为:Most young designers... may need to adopt to produce designs whi