第2题: [单项选择]一条路长100米,路的一旁每隔5米种植一棵白杨树,一共可种( )棵树。 A. 20 B. 19 C. 21 D. 18 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 因为相邻两棵树之间的距离为5米,路的全长可分为100÷5=20段。由于路的两端都可以种树,所以种树的棵数为段数加1,即20+1=21,故正确答案为C。
第5题: [单项选择]以下建筑中( )不属于古罗马建筑。 A. 巴西利卡 B. 图拉真广场 C. 卡拉卡拉浴场 D. 伊瑞克先神庙 参考答案:D 答案解析:[试题解析] 伊瑞克先神庙是雅典卫城中体量比较小的建筑,建于公元前395年(古希腊),内部有一雅典娜的木雕像,在这座神殿南侧廊台的六尊女像柱,是属于爱奥尼亚式的变形。
第25题: [简答题]漓江是数千年来无数文人志士获得灵感的地方。两岸是连绵的山峰,平静的河水倒映出梦幻般的美景,宛如童话一般。山峰在薄雾笼罩下时隐时现,令人陶醉。泛舟漓江,每个转弯处都能找到新奇,或见懒洋洋的水牛拉着大车、浸在水中纳凉,或见渔民在狭窄的竹筏上悠然自得。 参考答案:
The Li River has inspired writers and artists for thousands of years. It snakes through a fairytale landscape of conical limestone peaks, its smooth waters exquisitely mirroring the magical scenery. The vistas are particularly enchanting when flowing mists weave themselves around the peaks, hiding them and then exposing them in moments of surprise. Each bend of the river reveals something new and interesting to see, from lumbering water buffalo pulling carts or cooling off in the river to fishermen gliding on narrow rafts.