第7题: [单项选择]Not a few excellent proposals by the countries of the third world have been ______to the United Nations, acceptance of which will strengthen peace and lessen the danger of war. A. submitted B. suggested C. advanced D. released 参考答案:A 答案解析:submit,“提交”、“呈交”,如:I submitted my papers to the examiner我把试卷交给主考老师。suggest,”建议”,如I suggested that it
第29题: [单项选择]下列哪项不代表气雾剂的特征( )。 A. 药物吸收不完全、给药不恒定 B. 皮肤用气雾剂,有保护创面,清洁消毒、局麻止血等功能,阴道黏膜用气雾剂常用 O/W型泡沫气雾剂 C. 能使药物迅速达到作用部位 D. 混悬气雾剂是三相气雾剂 E. 使用剂量小,药物的副作用也小 参考答案:A 答案解析:[知识点] 气雾剂概述