第8题: [单项选择]According to the news, which of the following is TRUE A. As an EU member, Turkey enjoys privileges. B. Cyprus is not an EU member. C. Turkey will be admitted into EU with half membership. D. There are 25 EU members. 参考答案:D
第22题: [单项选择]上消化道出血可见() A. 脓血便 B. 鲜血便 C. 柏油样便 D. 白陶土样便 E. 稀糊状便 参考答案:C 答案解析:本组题考查粪便外观异常的临床意义。阻塞性黄疸时由于胆汁排泄障碍,以致粪胆素减少,甚至缺如,使粪便颜色变浅灰或呈白陶土色;上消化道出血并在肠内停留时间较长时,因红细胞破坏,血红蛋白在肠道内与硫化物结合形