第5题: [单项选择]阅读下列语段,回答文后问题:
孔子曰:“求!周任有言曰:„陈力就列,不能者止。R23;危而不持,颠而不扶,则将焉用彼相矣?且尔言过矣。虎兕出于柙,龟玉毁于椟中,是谁之过与?”孔子用“危而不持,颠而不扶,则将焉用彼相矣”作为论据的性质和论证方法是()。 A. 名人名言、类比论证 B. 事实论据、类比论证 C. 名人名言、对比论证 D. 事实论据、对比论证 参考答案:B
第23题:[单选题]If thrust levers are not at IDLE when engine start, what will happened? A. Engine cannot start B. Thrust will rapidly increase to the corresponding TLA after start C. Engine will automatically control at idle thrust after start 参考答案:B