第2题: [单项选择]下列不能作为巨细胞病毒性脑炎患者与单纯疱疹病毒性脑炎的鉴别点是() A. 患者多有AIDS或免疫抑制的病史 B. 临床表现意识模糊、记忆力减退、情感障碍、头痛等症状 C. 体液检查可找到典型的巨细胞 D. PCR检查脑脊液巨细胞病毒阳性 E. 约25%的患者MRI可有弥漫性或局灶性白质异常 参考答案:B
参考答案: [范文] Dear teacher, I’ve to ask for a three-day leave.My mother is in hospital now and needs looking after.My father is away on business.He can’t come back to look after her.I’ll be back to class as soon as possible and make up for my missed lessons. Li Ming