第1题:[多选题]下列不构成侵占罪的有( )。 (1分) A. · 甲将他人停放在车棚内未上锁的摩托车(价值5000元)骑走卖掉 B. · 乙(出租车司机)将乘客遗忘在其出租车后备箱内的行李拿走变卖6000元 C. · 丙在大学食堂将学生用于占座的手机拿走变卖4000元 D. · 丁按照公司安排将价值5万元的货物从北京运往山东,途中擅自将货物变卖4万元 参考答案:ACD
第31题: [单项选择]From the passage we learn that the World Bank______. A. focuses on basic science rather than theoretical one B. seems reluctant to aid some of theoretical sciences C. is still willing to help the third world D. agrees to grant scientific researches 参考答案:C