第4题: [单项选择]业主和物业服务企业完全平等,双方通过签订物业服务合同,形成了物业服务企业服务业主支付服务费用的()关系,是一种真正的民事行为。 A. 等价有偿 B. 等价无偿 C. 等价交换 D. 等价分配 参考答案:C 答案解析:本题考核的是物业服务企业和业主之间的关系。物业服务企业,是依照公司法设立的,自主经营、独立核算,独立承担民事权利和义务的民事主体。业主和物业服务企业完全平等,双方通过签订物业服务合同,形成了物业服务企
第5题: [单项选择]患者,20岁,1型糖尿病10年,应用混合胰岛素治疗,分别在早餐前和晚餐前皮下注射,近2周发现空腹血糖11.1~16.7mmol/L,中餐前8mmol/L,晚餐前7.6mmol/L,临睡前5.1mmol/L,对该情况应考虑( ) A. 可能是晚餐前胰岛素用量不足,可增加晚餐前胰岛素用量 B. 可能是Somogyi现像,应先测定凌晨1~2时血糖,然后调整胰岛素用量 C. 一定是Somogyi现像,应减少晚餐前胰岛素用量 D. 继续观察,暂不处理 E. 可能是黎明现像,可在晚餐前增加胰岛素用量 参考答案:B
第17题: [单项选择]盛世公司只生产一种产品——甲产品、在2009年度该产品单位售价为100元,单位变动成本为60元,固定成本为120000元,假设公司销售税金减免。2009年实际销售甲产品5000件。 要求:根据上述资料,回答下列各题。 甲产品的单位边际贡献为( )元。 A. 30 B. 40 C. 60 D. 100 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 单位边际贡献=单位产品销售价格-单位变动成本=100-60=40(元)
第18题: [单项选择]麻醉药品处方至少保存( )。 A. 1年 B. 2年 C. 3年 D. 4年 E. 5年 参考答案:C 答案解析:[知识点] 《麻醉药品和精神药品管理条例》使用
Many college students now see self-employment as a more attractive option [1] when it comes to work.More and more on-campus students start to set up their own business while studying in university. Some people [2] hold a strong opposition to their starting business in university.They think that it will affect the performance of their school work,for the priority for college students is study.What’s worse.college students have less experience SO that if they failin a business.they may [3] endure a heavv burden and lots of pressure from all aspects.However, some people reckon that college students should have a try of setting up their own business.For one thing,there are many practical policies and loans supporting college students which reduce risks for them.For another. by doing SO 9 they have an opportunity to [4] put their theoretical business knowledge into practice.Moreover,success or failure [5] have little impact on college students.The most important thing is to form a correct way of life and learn something during the process. In my opinion,college students should set up their own business.not only to earn money,but also to [6] have a better understanding of life.
[1] when it comes to work:当淡到 工作的时候。 [2] hold a strong opposition to…: 对…提出强烈的反对。 [3] endure a heavy burden and lots of pressure:承受沉重的负担和 很多的压力。 [4] put their theoretical business knowledge into practice:将学到 的商业知识应用于实践。 [5] have little impact on:对…影响 较小。 [6] have a better understanding of…:对…有更好的理解。