第13题: [单项选择]下面都是对命令按钮控件Command1进行属性设置,其中不正确的是 ______。 A. Command1.Name="Command_Save" B. Command1.Caption="保存(&S)" C. Command1.Top=-100 D. Command1.Left=200 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] Name属性是用来定义对象名称的,务必记住:该属性是只读的,也就是说在程序运行时,对象的名称是不能改变的。Caption表示控件的标题,可以在程序中进行设置修改。Caption中的&S在运行
第33题: [单项选择]Michael studied hard before the examination in mathematics, and it ______ . He made an A. A. paid out B. paid off C. paid over D. paid well 参考答案:B 答案解析:[分析] pay off“没有白费”,如:His hard work paid off when he got the promotion, pay out“付出(款项等)”;pay over“正式支