第4题: [单项选择]患儿,男性,7个月,混合喂养,辅食添加过程中出现腹泻3d入院。护士查体:神志清楚,精神好,口唇略干,皮肤弹性稍差,前囟轻度凹陷。该护士立即对家长进行健康教育,但应除外 A. 讲解如何做好病情观察,动态对比 B. 讲解添加辅食的原则 C. 讲述脱水补液的方法 D. 讲解保护臀部皮肤的方法 E. 讲解预防腹泻的知识 参考答案:C 答案解析:目前患儿属轻度脱水状态,没必要向患儿家长讲述脱水补液的方法。
第23题:[单选题]( )Tell me if she is brought up A.The speaker wants to know if the anchor is held fast B.The speaker wants to know if the line is sent ashore C.The speaker wants to know if the ship is made fast D.The speaker wants to know if the anchor is up above the water 参考答案:A