第10题: [单项选择]诊断温抗体型自身免疫性溶血性贫血最有意义的检查是() A. DBIL升高 B. 蔗糖高渗冷溶试验阴性 C. 尿胆原升高 D. 抗人球蛋白试验阳性 E. 肾上腺皮质激素类免疫抑制剂治疗有效 参考答案:D 答案解析:直接抗人球蛋白试验是测定吸附在红细胞膜上不完全抗体和补体的较敏感的方法。
第21题: [多项选择]关于公安机关的内部关系,下列哪些说法正确( ) A. 人民警察不论职位高低,政治上一律平等,相互之间是同志关系 B. 公安民警依据行政职务和警衔,构成上下级和同级关系 C. 上级应当关心、爱护和严格管理下级;下级必须服从上级 D. 处理内部关系的基本要求是:各司其职,密切协作,互相支持,协调一致 参考答案:A,B,C,D
第27题: [多项选择]Globalization: Reasons for globalization (全球化原因) 参考答案:Opening sentence:The tendency to concentrate is certain geographic regions is lessening. Industries have become more geographically diversified. Main points: a.The term of globalization describes businesses’ deployment of facilities and operations around the world. b.Globalization also results in more exports to and imports from other countries, often called offshore sales and imports. c.Globalization of services is also widespread. Supporting ideas: a.Improved transportation and communication technologies. b.Loosened relations on financial institutions. c.Increased demand for imported goods. d.Lowered international trade barriers. Concluding sentences: Globalization fosters an increasingly interdependent world economy. The trend toward globalization should be particularly visible.
第31题: [多项选择]物证检验可以由( )进行。 A. 侦查人员 B. 指派的具有专门知识的人 C. 聘请的具有专门知识的人 D. 医师 参考答案:A,B,C 答案解析:[解析] 物证检验指侦查人员对收集到的物证进行检验、核对,确定其特征,进而确定该物证在刑事诉讼中的作用的活动。物证检验应由侦查机关的侦查人员进行,必要时.可以指派或聘请具有专门知识的人,在侦查人员主持